Ingredients :
8 large
garlic cloves
2 table
spoon chopped fresh basil
1/2 tea
spoon dried thyme
2/3 cup
nonfat cream cheese
1/2 cup
fat-free mayonnaise
2 table
spoon chopped fresh chives
1/8 tea
spoon salt
1/8 tea
spoon white pepper
Method :
- Wrap garlic cloves in aluminum foil; bake
at 500 degrees F for 30 minutes.
- Squeeze the cloves to extract garlic pulp;
discard skins
- Turn on food processor, then drop garlic,
basil and thyme through food chute.
- Process until minced.
- Add remaining ingredients; process until
smooth, scraping sides of bowl once.
- Spoon mixture into a serving dish; cover
and chill
- Serve with raw vegetables or bagel chips.
Yield : 1 cup
Per Serving (1 table spoon)
17 calories
1g protein
1g carbohydrates
1g fat
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