Stuffed Courgettes Thailand Recipe

Stuffed Courgettes Thailand Recipes

Ingredients :

55 g

6 tablespoons



5 tablespoons

2 tablespoons

1 teaspoon

shredded fresh coconut

chopped coriander leaves

fresh green chili, seeded and finely chopped

courgettes, each weighing about 225 g

vegetable oil

lime juice

crushed palm sugar

freshly ground black pepper

few drops fish sauce

Method :
  1. In a small bowl, combine coconut, coriander and chili; set aside.
  2. Cut each courgette into 4 lengths, about 4 cm long.
  3. Stand each on one cut side and cut 2 deep slits like a cross, down 2.5 cm of the length.
  4. Gently prize apart cut sections and fill with coconut mixture.
  5. Pour oil and 115 ml water into a wide frying pan.
  6. Stand courgettes, filled side uppermost in pan.
  7. Sprinkle over a little fish sauce.
  8. If any coconut mixture remains, spoon over courgettes.
  9. Sprinkle over lime juice, sugar, black pepper and few drops of fish sauce.
  10. Heat to simmering point, cover tightly and simmer gently for 5-6 minutes.
  11. Using 2 spoons, turn courgette pieces over, re-cover and cook for a further 7-10 minutes.

Serves 4-6

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Thailand Cooking Recipes

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