Method :
cucumber by cutting in half, and run a spoon through the centre to
remove seeds. Slice thinly wit skin. Preheat browning dish for 6
minutes on high. Heat oil for 1 minute on high, then add garlic and
cook for 30 seconds on high. Add the prawns, chili and tomato
sauces, which will sear well in the heat. Cook for 8 minutes on
high, toss to reposition the prawns; cook for 4 minutes on high.
Prawns should be on outer edge of plate to cook best. They are
cooked when pink in color.
Add fish sauce,
sugar and pepper to prawns. Stir well. Remove prawns with slotted spoon to
leave liquid in dish. Keep prawns warm, but cook cucumber in the liquid
for 2 minutes on high. Serve prawns on bed of cucumber and garnish with
fresh smashed curry leaves or mint.
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