Peel the outer skin off the squid,
then cut squid in half lengthways.
Wash inside well and parboil, with
the tentacles, for 1 minute.
Drain and immediately rinse under
cold running water to stop further cooking.
Cut the body parts in half
lengthways and then crossways into 0.5 cm strips.
Separate the tentacles and chop
each into 4-5 cm pieces.
Put the squid in a large mixing
Halve the cucumber lengthways.
Using a tablespoon, scoop out the
Slice the cucumber into thick half
moons and sprinkle with a pinch of salt.
Lightly squash with a hand to
squeeze out the water, then add to squid in the bowl.
In a small cup, mix mustard, soy
sauce, sake and sesame oil and pour into the squid and cucumber
Toss the squid and cucumber in the
dressing and serve in small individual dishes.