Lemon Rice Fritters Recipes

Lemon Rice Fritters Recipe

Ingredients :

200 g

500 ml

15 g

3 tablespoons


60 g

60 g

3 tablespoons

200 ml

100 g

short grain, pudding rice (or sticky rice)

whole or full cream milk


granulated or caster sugar


plain flour

raisins or sultanas, soaked in warm water for 15 minutes, drained and squeezed


olive oil for frying

icing sugar


grated rind of 1/2 lemon or orange

Method :
  1. Cook the rice in the milk for about 1 hour or until the grains have almost disintegrated.

  2. Stir the butter into this very thick mixture and remove from the heat.

  3. Add the sugar and the rind.

  4. Stir in the eggs one at a time, then add the salt, flour, raisins and rum.

  5. Stir thoroughly and chill for about 1 hour in the refrigerator.

  6. Heat the oil in a nonstick skillet until very hot.

  7. To test, drop a tiny piece of fritter into the oil.

  8. If bubbles from around it immediately, it is hot enough.

  9. Scoop the fritter mixture up in tablespoonful size lots and place in the hot oil.

  10. Fry 5-6 fritters together until they are golden brown all over.

  11. This should take about 4 minutes for each batch.

  12. Drain on paper towels.

  13. Dust with sugar and transfer to a heated serving dish.

  14. Serve at once.

Serves 4

Preparation        : 20 minutes + 1 hour chilling

Cooking             : 11/4 hours

Recipe grading    : fairly easy

Suggested wine  : a medium or dry dessert wine (Vin Santo)

These scrumptious fritters originally come from Siena where they were served on Saint Joseph's day (March 19).

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