Bacon and are
the flesh of the pig which has been salted or cured in brine and then
smoked. Green or unsmoked bacon is cured, but not smoked and is
consequently less strong in flavor and will not keep for the same length
of times as its smoked counterpart. As the name suggests, back bacon
comes from the back of the pig; streaky bacon comes from the belly part
of the pig.
Gammon is the hind leg of the pig which is
cured on the side of bacon; if the leg is then cut off and cooked and
served cold, it is known as ham. A true ham, however, is the hind leg of
the pig, detached before curing, and which is then cured, salted,
matured, hung or smoked, depending on the manufacturer's process.
Leftover ham is great for sandwiches, but you
can get a super-quick hot meal out of it by cubing any leftovers and adding them
to a cooked package of macaroni and cheese. You can also heat cubed ham with a
can of baked beans, and doll it up with a squirt of ketchup, a big spoonful of
molasses. It's also a tasty addition to the Kielbasa "Cassoulet" that follows,
if you don't mind doubling up on pork products.
Buying guides for Ham :
- Purchase a small half fully-cooked ham.
- Have meatman cut off center slice 1-inch thick for Gingered Ham slice.
- Leftover ham slice makes great sandwiches.
- Cube remaining half ham for main dishes. |