Method :
the oil in a large gratin dish. Add the tuna and fry on both sides until
Remove from the dish. Add the shallots and garlic and gently fry until
soft. Carefully drain off the excess oil. Add the tomatoes, bouquet garni,
wine, stock and anchovy to the dish. Place the tuna on top of the
vegetables and season well.
and cook for 30 minutes. Remove the bouquet garni and tuna, keeping the
tuna hot. Blend the butter and flour together until smooth to make a
beurre manie. Put the gratin dish over a medium heat and stir in small
pieces of the beurre manie. Cook until the sauce thickens, stirring.
Replace the tuna and sprinkle with the parsley.
Serves 4
Although fresh tuna is now more readily
available, you may have to order it from your fishmonger.
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