1.5lb silverside
1.5lb forerib
1lb knuckle of veal, cut into short
12oz unsmoked bacon, in one piece
1 marrow bone
10oz leeks
10oz carrots
10oz white turnips
5.25 pints water
3 cloves garlic
1 stick celery
10 peppercorns
1 large onion stuck with 3 cloves
bouquet garni |
Method :
Trim off any
excess fat from the meat. Remove any fragments of bone from the veal.
Blanch the bacon in boiling water for 15 minutes. Tie the marrow bone in
a piece of cloth so taht the marrow cannot escape during cooking. Wash
the leeks thoroughly and tie them together to prevent them falling apart
during cooking. Peel the carrots and turnips.
Put the water
on to boil in a very large saucepan or casserole with 1 tbsp salt. When
the water is boiling, put in the silverside, forerib and bacon with the
garlic, celery, peppercorns, onion, bouquet garni and marrow bone.
Simmer for 90 minutes over a low heat, skimming from time to time. Then
add the carrots, turnips, leeks and knuckle of veal and cook for another
90 minutes. Check the seasoning during this period.
To serve,
take out the meat, remove the cloth from the marrow bone and carve the
meats. Keep warm on a heated plate. Remove and drain the vegetables and
untie the leeks. Arrange the vegetables around the meat. When the soup
has cooled a little, skim off the fat, then strain through a fine wet
cloth. Check the seasoning and serve the soup in a separate tureen.
Pickles, gherkins, mustard and bread are the traditional accompaniments
to this dish.
Serves 8-10
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