Method :
together the pork and veal. Chop the smoked bacon piece with a little fat
if available. Add this to the meats with the salt, peppercorns, juniper
berries and sherry. Leave to stand for 1 hour in order for the flavors to
Transfer to a greased 1.1 liter (2 pint) pate terrine dish, pressing it
down well (as it tends to shrink during cooking). Remove the rind from the
bacon rashers and cut into thin strips. Arrange in a lattice pattern over
the top of the terrine.
the bay leaves into the bacon. Cover with the lid and cook at 160C (325F)
mark 3 for 1 hour. Remove the lid and cook for a further 30 minutes.
Remove from the oven and allow to cool thoroughly, then chill for several
hours before serving thickly sliced.
Serves 10-12
This makes a very elegant starter for a
dinner party or it may be served as part of a selection of buffet
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