Method :
each sole fillet around a scallop and secure with a wooden cocktail stick.
Place the paupiettes into a marmitout skillet or small frying pan, add the
vermouth, herbs and seasoning. Cover with a piece of buttered paper or
foil and poach gently for 10-12 minutes or until the fish is tender.
Carefully strain off the cooking liquor into a jug and keep the fish hot.
Discard the herbs.
the butter in the marmitout pan or a saucepan. Add the shallot and gently
fry until very soft but not colored. Add the flour and cook until all the
butter is absorbed. Remove the pan from the heat. Make up the fish liquor
to 450ml (3/4 pint) with sufficient water. Stir into the pan and cook
until thickened. Add the herbs and seasoning to taste.
Finally, stir in the cream but do not allow the sauce to boil. Remove the
sticks from the fish, return the marmitout or pan to the heat and gently
reheat the fish in the sauce.
Serves 4
To prepare scallops bought in the shell,
first select those with tightly closed shells. Rest the hinge of the
shell on a flat surface and insert a small knife into one of the
openings on either side of the shell, just above the hinge. Pries open
slightly and, keeping the knife close against the flat shell, sever the
muscle attaching the meat to the shell. Remove the scallop meat and
discard the black sac and remaining muscle.
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