Method :
Brioche Dough the day before you plan to make this recipe. Put bacon in
saucepan. Add boiling water to nearly cover. Add sprig celery leaves,
sprig parsley, slice of onion and peppercorns. Cover and simmer until
tender, about 90 minutes. Lift out of water and cool. Heat 1/4 cup
butter in large heavy skillet. Add mushrooms, chopped onion, chopped
parsley, salt, pinch pepper and brandy and cook until liquid has
evaporated. Remove from heat. Trim filet of beef well. Cut it into
1-inch slices down to but not through the bottom. Slice bacon thin and
put a slice between each slice of beef. Add about 1 tbsp (15ml) mushroom
mixture between each slice, spreading it evenly. Tie filet back together
securely, running strings lengthwise.
Heat oven to
425F (220C). Brush filet with a little brandy and spread with 2 tbsp
soft butter. Put on rack in roasting pan and roast 20 minutes. Cool well
and remove strings. Spread filet with another 2 tbsp butter and sprinkle
generously with salt and pepper. Roll Brioche Dough thin - a little less
than 1/4 inch - into an oblong about 18x16 inches. Trim dough to make
oblong even and save bits to make a decoration on top.
Heat oven to
425F (220C). Dry the cooled filet with paper toweling and put it, top
side down, in the centre of the dough. Spread with remaining mushroom
mixture (be sure there is no moisture in the mixture - if there is the
dough is likely to become soft and break during baking). Wrap dough
around filet overlapping and sealing together well. Turn in ends and
seal well. Put on greased baking sheet (one that has sides is a good
idea in case pastry leaks) seam side down. Braid strips of dough trimmed
from the oblong of dough or cut bits into leaves and flowers. Beat egg
yolk and cream together lightly with a fork and use mixture to stick
decorations on top of the roll.
Bake 15
minutes. Brush whole surface of pastry with the egg yolk-cream mixture
and continue baking until crust is dark golden brown, about 30 minutes
more. (If any spots start browning too much, cover them with aluminum
foil.) Slice into 1-inch slices where meat is already cut so each person
gets a slice of bacon with the slice of meat. Serve hot with Horseradish
Cream or Béarnaise Sauce.
Serves 7
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