Method :
25g (1 oz) of the butter in a small frying pan. Add the onion, garlic and
thyme and cook gently for 5 minutes. Add the liver and cook it quickly,
for about 5 minutes, stirring frequently.
Remove the pan from the heat and allow the mixture to cool slightly.
Discard the thyme. Puree all the cooked ingredients in a a blender or a
food processor until smooth.
Soften 75g (3 oz) of the remaining butter, then gradually beat in the
liver puree. Stir in the brandy and seasoning to taste. Pack the pate into
a small pot or dish.
the remaining butter in a small saucepan, allow it to cool slightly, then
strain it over the pate. Leave the pate to cool, then chill it lightly
before serving with thin, crisp toast.
Serves 4
One of the quickest and easiest pates to
make, this recipe is also one that is always popular. For a lighter
pate, beat in 100g (4 oz) of curd cheese after the liver has been mixed
with the last of the butter.
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