Tough meat
can be prepared so that it arrives at the table full of flavor and
juice, by marinating with acidic ingredients such as wine, lemon
juice, vinegar, yogurt or pulped tomatoes. These acids help to break
down the connective tissue that is mostly responsible for toughness.
Pounding or cutting up and lengthy cooking also help to tenderize
tough cuts.
grilling reasonably thick, good quality meat, brush on both sides
with oil to prevent it drying out. To stop a joint drying out, tie
large sheets of pork fat or fatty bacon rashers round it, a
technique known as barding. This keeps the meat moist during
cooking, preventing it becoming tough.
A lean
piece of meat such as a fillet can also be larded to prevent it
drying out during roasting. Cut some pork fat into short narrow
strips. These are then threaded on to a larding needle, one by one,
and threaded through the meat to make 'stitches' about 1cm/ 1/2 inch
deep. The fat keeps the outer layer of meat moist.
roasting lean beef, dripping or fat may be spread over the joint.
This can then be collected from the roasting tin and used for
basting during cooking. As lamb is already quite fatty, it does not
require extra fat for roasting.
To make
pork cracking, score the skin of the joint, marking thin strips with
a sharp knife at frequent intervals then rub in oil and a generous
amount of salt.