To maximize
flavors, curries require an initial stir-fry of the 'holy trinity' of
spices, garlic and onion (sometimes a forth is added - ginger). This
'initial fry' removes raw and bitter tastes from the spices, and as the
garlic, ginger and onion turn golden brown, they caramelize (i.e. they
become sweet in taste) and the ingredients become integrated. This
'initial fry' is the most important in the whole curry cooking process,
and as it is used in many curry recipes.
Heat the
oil or ghee in a wok or karahi until hot, but well below smoking
If whole
spices are being fried, add them to the boil or ghee and stir-fry
briskly for about 30 seconds.
Add the
garlic (and ginger, if specified) and continue to stir-fry briskly
for a further 30 seconds.
Add the
ground spices (if used), stir briskly, then add the onion and mix in
the heat high at first, stir-fry until the onion caramelizes. This
will take between 10-15 minutes, depending on the degree of
caramelization required. The heat will need to be lowered
progressively during this time.
It saves
considerable time, smells and washing up to make several batches of
fried onion, with or without garlic and / or ginger. Divide what you
make into portions and freeze in yogurt pots for future use.
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