1 can red salmon
1 tbsp thick mayonnaise
1 tsp prepared mustard
1 egg, separated
1 envelope gelatine
1/4 pt cold water
3 tbsp port
1 tsp onion salt
salt and pepper to taste
1/4 tsp lemon juice
1/4 pt double cream
6 tsp thick mayonnaise
1 oz hazelnuts, finely chopped
6 lemon wedges
3 large black grapes, halved and de-seeded |
Method :
- Tip salmon and liquid into a
- Remove bones and any dark skin
then finely mash flesh.
- Beat in mayonnaise, mustard and
egg yolk.
- Alternatively, work these
ingredients smoothly together in blender of food processor.
- Soften gelatine in cold water for
5 minutes then melt gently over low heat in small pan.
- Stir in port then blend smoothly
with salmon mixture.
- Season with onion salt, ordinary
salt and pepper to taste.
- Leave in the cool until just
beginning to thicken and set.
- Beat egg whites to a stiff snow
with lemon juice, whip cream until thick.
- Using a large metal spoon or
spatula, fold both alternately into salmon mixture.
- When smooth and evenly-combined,
transfer equal amounts to 6 glass dishes.
- Refrigerate until set.
- Before serving, top each with a
teaspoon of mayonnaise and shower thickly with nuts.
- Garnish each with a lemon wedge
and grape half.
Serves 6
Made from canned salmon and port, the
result is quite impressive, worth keeping for special occasions.
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