Method :
Rub marinade
on the duck and leave it for 20 minutes. Trim the leaves off the Chinese
celery. Dice Chinese celery. Slice shallot thinly and crush bean sauce
lightly. Heat 6 tbsp of oil in wok. Pan fry the duck until golden. Set
aside. Heat 3 tbsp of oil in wok. Sauté Chinese celery and shallot until
fragrant. Stir in bean sauce and ingredients. Put the duck in and simmer
for 45 minutes. Take the duck out and chop in into pieces. Thicken the
sauce with cornflour solution. Pour it over the duck pieces to serve. Pu
Ning bean sauce is made from flavored soy beans, and is available at
Chinese groceries. Use both the beans and liquid from the bottle.
Serves 4 - 6
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