Method :
Put 1 tsp of
sugar and 1 cup of warm water in a small bowl. Add the yeast to dissolve
for 5 minutes. Mix flour with yeast water together in a bowl, and knead
into a smooth dough. Put into a oiled plastic bag, bind the opening
tightly, let it rest for 30 minutes to raise at a warm place. It will
become a leaven dough. Pour boiling water into the flour (ingredient B).
Stir by chopsticks. Add in cool water and knead into a dough, this is a
scalded dough.
Mix the pork,
chopped spring onion, diced jellied pork skin, and seasoning. This is
the filling. Bind the leaven dough and scalded dough, knead and divide
into 36 pellets. Roll each piece into a round wrapper, add the filling,
pinch and seal edge to form a pastry. Let all the pastries, rest for 10
minutes and steamed over high heat for 8 minutes. You can mix shredded
ginger, vinegar with dark soy sauce, and use it as a dipping sauce.
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