Method :
1. Wash Chinese
cabbage. Parboil to soften. Chop and squeeze dry. Add to ground pork and
seasonings. Blend well. Remember to add water slowly and. at the same
time, keep stirring clockwise to make sure the water is absorbed
2. Knead
ingredient (1) into a dough. Follow the method use in
Fried Dumplings to make dumpling skin. Put 2/3 tbsp of filling in the
center of the skin. Pinch the edges to make a boat-like shape.
3. Bring water
to a boil. Put dumpling in one by one. Stir with spatula clock-wise or
dumplings will stick to the pan bottom. Bring to a boil. Add a cup of cold
water. Keep cooking with cover on till boiling. Add water again. Repeat
doing so three times to be sure that pork filling is thoroughly cooked.
After the third boiling, turn off the heat. Remove and serve.
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