Method :
- Clean and fillet the fish.
- Scrape off the flesh with a
- Knead the fish flesh well on a
chopping board using the flat side of a kitchen knife until smooth.
- Add tapioca flour and 1 tea salt
and work it in with 4 -5 tablespoons water until you get a soft and
sticky paste.
- Wet your hands and shape the fish
- Dip each ball in salt water before
placing it on a plate.
- Wash the mustard greens and cut
into 5 cm lengths.
- Wash the preserved cabbage and
soak the so hoon.
- Heat oil and fry the garlic until
golden brown.
- Remove and set aside.
- Make fish stock.
- Lightly brown the ginger slices
and fry the fish bones and skin for 2 minutes.
- Add in 4 cups water and 1/2
teaspoon salt.
- Simmer for 30 minutes.
- Strain the fish stock, return to
saucepan and bring to boil.
- Add the fish balls.
- When the soup boils, add the
mustard greens, so hoon and preserved cabbage.
- Bring to boil again.
- Remove from heat, season well with
soy sauce, salt and pepper.
- Serve hot as a starter garnished
with the browned garlic.
Serves 4 - 6
Radish is a very nutritious vegetables,
especially in soups.
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